Dental Implant: The Best Treatment Methods In Order To Restore Lost Teeth
Along with the boom of science and technology in the recent decades, the modern dentistry had the applied researches and achieved a lot of significant accomplishments in inventing the new dental materials, treatments as well as restorations methods.
The latest is implant technique into jawbone to support the denture prosthodontics more steadily, cosmetic without grinding the nearby teeth.
On the other way, the dental implant opened new ways for treatment, added the best selections if unfortunately you lost one or more your teeth.
When our tooth or teeth lose and we have no timely methods for protecting the other one like denture prosthodontics for space of these, they will appear natural gap-toothed ( diastema) or pushing to wrong place, dangling, buck teeth… which makes to lose the chewing capacity and causes seriously effect on our health, beauty of smile. In that case, dental implant is one of the restoration methods for lost teeth which are necessary for us. So, what is dental implant?
What is dental implant?
It is the pillar/post made of titan implanted into our jawbone with the purpose replacement for the roof of removed teeth. After that, the dentist will “put” into it the false teeth.
The average size of implant equal to: 3.5 to 5 mm in diameter, 10 to 16 mm in length.
Implant was implemented at Sweden in 1965 as the first time, until now, the first implant tooth has been existed.
In Vietnam, this technique has been implemented at Vietnamese National Hospital of Odonto- Stomatology (called as Odonto- Stomatology Institution at that time) in 1995.
In conclusion, this has been applied for a long time on the world and become more popular from 2000 till now in Vietnam.
Advantages and disadvantages of implant:
- Need more time to make the dentures on the implant, after this procedures, we have to wait from 3 to 6 months so that the implant has been fixed tightly into our jawbone, then we can plant the dentures. However, for the most modern implant system-Nobel Biacare, the time may be shorter and we can implement the implant immediately after removing your teeth in some cases.
- The cost higher than the others
- In some cases, we cannot place the implant post, it required some conditions for success.
Conditions for placing implant:
- The patient has enough bone to place implant, after removing your teeth , if you don’t make dentures , the jawbone will lose till at some time extend , we won’t have enough bone volume(thick level) to place new one. The suitable time for this is after extraction tooth around 2 to 6 months. However, for the most modern implant system- Nobel Direct , the time may be shorter, we can implant immediately after this procedure in some cases.
- Good oral hygiene, have no heart disease, diabetes, acute hepatitis, osteogenesis imperfect, not smoking addicted, no bruxism.
- Need to have implant technique- having time for treatment and care it.
Implant technique requires the skillful and fine which gives support for restoration of cosmetic dentures on the Implant and reach the well chewing functions.
However, this is minor surgery. After finishing, the patient may have pain like normal extraction of tooth.
When plant it into our jawbone, it need the time about 3 to 6 months to fix into bone, technical word called “osseointegration..”
Then, the false teeth has been “plant” into implant post. In conclusion, from the placing implant stages till to completed the upper denture taking around 4 to 7 months, while awaiting for real teeth, the patient can bring the temporary teeth or jaw.
Nowadays, the successful rate of implant has been proved, the existing rate over 10 years is more than 95%.
If this is fail, the majority of it depending on 3 following reasons:
- The jawbone doesn’t have enough volume to place an implant with necessary length (as you lost your teeth for a long time but you haven’t made false teeth).
- The dentist make the false teeth on the Implant with wrong technique leading overloading and shaking of implant.
- You have bad oral hygiene, then the plaque and accumulation of bacterial at space between gums surrounding implant caused gingivitis, bone resorption and shaking the implant, finally we must remove it.
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